Crypto Girls
A crypto podcast for non-crypto bros. Brought to you by Dylan and Katie, two non-tech girls on a mission to find out what the f*** is going on in the world of crypto.
Crypto Girls
What will survive the crypto crash?
Season 1
Episode 27
Solo episode just us girls <3
We sat down to talk through everything that’s happening, from Do Kwon and Terra to LACMA and Paris Hilton buying NFTs. We catch up on the state of the market, getting into questions like… Where do we go from here? What projects will actually survive? And how will the government play a role in the crypto world going forward?
A few helpful resources/links if you’re interested in further reading:
- Why play-to-earn is not embraced by all gamers, from Vox
- More on the Coinbase hiring freeze, from The Verge
- GQ makes a Discord, from Vogue Business
- Clinique's genius NFT project, from Vogue Business
- Why auction houses may keep one foot off the crypto bandwagon, from Artnet News
DM us and tell us how you're feeling! We always want to know what you're most interested in hearing about. @cryptogirlspod on Twitter and IG.